
Kneesall C of E

Primary School

Together We Achieve


Governors Who's Who

Governors Role and Committees


What do Governors do?

“The Governing body is effective because governors are well trained and have a good grasp of the strengths and weaknesses of the school, including comparisons with other schools, and how well different groups of pupils achieve.” OFSTED 2013

Governors are responsible for monitoring and evaluating the school’s performance. To do this they visit school regularly, attend meetings and review policies and other school documents. They also support the Headteacher by acting as a critical friend and have a role in recruiting new staff, complaint handling and the Headteacher’s Performance Management.  At Kneesall, all Governors regularly undertake specific training to improve their knowledge and skills.


The Governing Body has responsibility for:


  • Setting the strategic direction, policies and targets for the school
  • Approving the school budget
  • Reviewing progress against the school's budget and objectives
  • Appointing, challenging and supporting the Headteacher


Constitution of the Governing Body

The Kneesall’s Governing Body has a current constitution of 11 governors consisting of:


  • 1 x Headteacher
  • 1 x Staff Governor
  • 2 x Foundation Governors
  • 1 x Local Authority Governor
  • 3 x Parent Governors
  • 3 x Co-opted Governors.


There are several categories of governor appointed by different groups who have an interest in school.  Our Governors come from a wide range of backgrounds with a diverse range of skills and expertise.  Each Governor serves for a term of four years.  

Governors meet once a term before full Governing Body Meetings, but also termly in 2 committees.


Pupils and Strategy Committee (P&S)

The P&S monitors curriculum policy and scrutinises school attainment data.  The committee monitors and evaluates pupil welfare, including Child Protection and SEND and Pupil performance/progression.  The committee also contributes to school improvement planning and reviews the progress of annually-set priorities.

Current members of the P&S are: Anna Chase (Chair), Alison Barber, Neil McLafferty, Emma Marfleet, David Surgey, Adam Whitchurch and Sophie Scott.


Finance and Personnel Committee (F&P)

The F&P sets, manages and reviews the School Budget. The committee monitors and evaluates financial procedures in line with current guidelines and best practice.  It also has an overview of the school’s health and safety priorities, the school fund and the school inventory. This committee has also carried out the project management of building/maintenance works around the school.  This committee monitors and evaluates pupil staff welfare.  It reviews pay and conditions as well as Performance Management policy.  P&P ensures that all personnel matters follow best practice and are in line with UK / European law.

Current members of F&P are: Nicola Mills (Chair), Alison Barber, Emma Marfleet, Richard Taylor and Adam Whitchurch.


Register of Business Interests

The Governing Body has a legal duty to act only in the interests of the school.  Where a situation arises in which a governor cannot do this due to a personal interest, steps are taken to identify, prevent and record the conflict in the governing body minutes.  A declaration of interest is included on every governing body meeting Agenda.  In addition to this all governors complete a declaration annually.

Governor Information
