
Kneesall C of E

Primary School

Together We Achieve

Archived years


July 2024

We are busy sorting through uniform donations for the summer fair on 12 July. Please come along and reuse uniform that we have grown out of. Any donations will be forwarded to the Children's Bereavement Centre in Newark. 

June 2024

The School Council worked with Mrs Wass to hold a Maths through Art afternoon, with adults invited, to create art through maths. The beautiful work was displayed in St Bartholemew's Church on 30 June during our service to celebrate Kneesall School. Photos are in the curriculum page for maths. 

May 2024

The school council representatives on the Class 1 interview day were an amazing example of pupil leadership and their dedication and respect for all candidates was wonderful to watch. School Council, you are amazing! 

April 2024

The school council compiled and inputted date from the Big Plastic Count and are awaiting the school plastic footprint to arrive, which will then be shared with the school community. They have also been busy compiling questions for the school council interview for the Class 1 post. 

March 2024

The school council led a very informative collective worship to introduce the Big Plastic Count, a whole school initiative. Children have received a letter and tally chart to complete at home between 11-18 March 2024, to inform the national big plastic count. Keep counting!

February 2024

The School council led a wonderful range of activities for Children's Mental Health Week including leading a collective worship on Monday, Wiggle and Giggle dance sessions at lunchtime, and hearing pupil voice on the theme "what I am proud of" and collating in a book. 

January 2024

The school council are preparing for Children's Mental Health Week in February, and have signed up to take part in the Big Plastic Count.

November 2023

The children in the school council are very busy organising an eco swap event to promote recycling and reuse of clothes, toys and books. Friday 24th November 2:15PM after school. Donations of good quality items are very welcome. 

September 2023

The chair of the School Council is Henry. The Equality and Diversity champions are Georgina and Charlie. They are supported by Florence, Isla, Mallory, Henry, Tifara, Ted, Elowen and Aaditya.


The children are organising and running a uniform stall at the Macmillan coffee morning on Friday 29th September.


The children have agreed to act as playtime buddies to promote positive play and as anti-bullying ambassadors. Visi-vests are on order! 


The children have audited the classrooms and are pleased to report that each class has a worry box which is in a prominent position in the classes. 




June 2023

The School Council are currently researching ways to support the chosen school charities - Feel Good Gardens, RNLI and Kids Against Plastic. 


The School Council has also conducted an audit to find out what children want to play with at playtimes. The children are currently organising a priority wish list. Watch this space!


May 2023

The School Council has been part of the interview process for a new Class 3 teacher. The children prepared a comprehensive list of questions for the candidates, and four children from the School Council successfully ran the pupil interviews. A very successful contribution to the recruitment process, well done School Council! 


March - April 2023

The school council canvassed the stakeholders of the school - parents/ carers, governors, staff and pupils - to suggest causes and / or charities that each school house could support. The school council have voted and the results are in! Kneesall C of E Primary School will be championing and supporting:


Local charity - Feel Good Gardens

National charity - RNLI

International cause - Kids against Plastic 


The school houses are...

Attenborough - Keller - Parks

The houses are named after courageous advocates who have championed a cause that is close to their heart. Through equipping children with the skills, confidence and opportunity to have a voice and tackle injustice, we are enabling our children to become the change agents of the future. 


February 2023 

House names have been chosen for three houses. Each year group will have children from each of the three houses. House names will be announced soon! 


January 2023

School council addressed the whole school to find out if a house system with inter-house competitions is wanted. The school voted yes and so suggestions for names of four houses and colours should be submitted to the suggestion box in the hall by Wednesday 8th February. The school council will vote for their preferred house names and colours. 


November 2022 - School council are introducing Anti-bullying week with Odd Socks day followed by a whole school assembly to discuss bullying and how to reach out. 


October 2022 - The school council has worked together to compile interview questions for prospective candidates for the Headteacher role. Four school council representatives sat on the pupil interview panel to ask their interview questions and were fantastic ambassadors for Kneesall. Well done school council! 


September 2022 - School Council representatives are elected in Classes through a formal election setting. Congratulations to this year's representatives.  
