Welcome to Class 3! We have an exciting year ahead. The final chapter of primary school is one full of exciting opportunities. The children will enjoy rewarding and challenging experiences, allowing everyone to shine in their own unique way.
As well as supporting children to reach their academic potential, the children will gain more independence and be given many additional responsibilities around the school, including the opportunity to become House Captains and School Council leaders in Year 6.
A few things to note:
Please send your child to school with a named water bottle each day.
PE lessons are every Tuesday and Thursday.
Please label all your child's clothing with their name, especially PE kit and jumpers!
Homework will include:
Spellings which will be tested each Monday.
Maths fluency games such as Timetable Rockstars. Please see the homework page for more information.
Reading (when an adult has listened to your child read, please record this in their reading diary - we aim for at least 5 home reads with an adult per week).
One half-term project that will vary each half-term. This will be relative to the topic that your child has been learning about. Please see the homework page for more information.
I am looking forward to a fabulous year ahead!
Many thanks,
Miss Baines
Our 'out of this world' homework projects!
Our Pneumatic Toys made in DT- Foundation came to help us evaluate!
Worry Workshop
Our 'OUT OF THIS WORLD' Visit to the National Space Centre
Our AMAZING Crime and Punishment Topic Homework!
Using digital software to create self-portraits in the style of Andy Warhol
Year 6 Safety Awareness Day
Our Year 6 pupils visited Vicar Water Country Park, Clipstone to take part in a range of interactive safety activities hosted by Newark Community First Aid, VIA – Road Safety, Nottinghamshire Police and Newark and Sherwood District Council Park Rangers, along with Fire Safety and Water Safety sessions from Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service.
They had a super day, learning lots of safety tips and meeting people from our local emergency services.
The Mill Adventure Base
James Nicol - Author Visit
Key Stage 2 were visited by children's book author, James Nicol, who came to share his inspiring story of how he came to writing amazing books!
Lots of children were also lucky enough to have their books signed by James.
Year 6 Bowling
The Year 6 cohort celebrated finishing their SAT's assessments with a trip to the bowling alley in Newark. They all had lots of fun and even scored a few strikes!
Boys Football Team
Diversity Role Models
Lindsey, from the charity, Diversity Role Models, visited class to increase our understanding and acceptance of individual differences and provided information about the LGBTQ+ community.
Pupils thoroughly enjoyed listening to Lindsey talk about her personal experiences and gained lots of valuable knowledge to help them to be better people in the wider world.
NSPCC Workshop
We were visited by Diane, Jill and Hannah from the NSPCC, who taught us how to speak out and stay safe. The workshop explained the different types of abuse children face and the measures we can take if we feel unsafe at any time; either at home or in school.
Spring Rolls
In DT lessons this term, we have been exploring different foods around the world. This week, we made vegetable spring rolls using the cutting and dicing techniques we have learnt previously.
Everyone really enjoyed making the spring rolls, and almost everyone enjoyed the taste of them as well!
World Book Day
Class 3 had a great time on World Book Day, dressing up in their pyjamas and having the chance to enjoy a book reading from all the teachers in our school. We also took part in a book scavenger hunt, searching through our classroom books to find different situations or objects.
Darwin's Finches Experiment
In Science, we have investigated Charles Darwin’s observations of the different beak types of finches on the different islands of the Galapagos.
In our experiment, the “beaks” were either a peg, tweezers or a spoon and the “foods” were pasta, rice and stones. We collated our findings to discover the most successful “beak type” for each “food type”.
Hindu Workshop
Class 3 were visited by Ramila from the St. Philip's centre, who taught us all about Hinduism. We had the opportunity to learn about the celebrations and Gods in the Hindu religion; and see some Hindu prayer resources.
YoungWriters Crazy Creatures
Our Class 3 pupils entered their mini-sagas in to the YoungWriters Crazy Creatures competition. Eighteen of our entries have been chosen for publication in the 'Crazy Creatures - Amazing Tales' book, which is due for release on 23rd February.
In Computing, we have been using Micro:Bits to develop our understanding of coding. Pupils have created algorithms on a coding site to make things, such as: pedometers, fortune tellers.
Perlethorpe Education Centre
Class 3 visited Perlethorpe Education Centre as part of our learning about Anglo-Saxons. We had the opportunity to take part in an orienteering activity, learn all about the history of the Anglo-Saxons, and even had the chance to hold some replica weapons! The whole class had a really enjoyable day.
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