Geography - All Around the World
D&T - Food preparation
RE - Light and Dark; Christmas
Computing - Desktop publishing
PE - Gymnastics; Invasion skills
RSHE - Diverse Britain
French - Animals
Music - Writing music down
Maths - Calculations focus
History - Stone Age to Iron Age
Art - Drawing skills - Stone Age art
RE - Signs, symbols and parables
Computing - digital safety
PE - Outdoor Adventurous Activities; Invasion skills.
French - I'm learning French! and numbers
Music - Glockenspiel
Maths - Number focus
Our English texts will include fiction and non-fiction texts which we will use to explore genre, punctuation, sentence and text structure.
In whole class reading lessons we will study the text The Iron Man by Ted Hughes.
Geography - Rivers
RSHE - Growing Up
D&T - Kites
RE - Caring and Praying
Computing - Scratch
PE - striking and fielding skills; athletics
French - Habitats
Music - Reflect, rewind and replay
Maths - Measurement and Statistics focus
Our English texts will include fiction and non-fiction texts which we will use to explore genre, punctuation, sentence and text structure.
In whole class reading lessons we will study the text I Believe In Unicorns by Michael Morpurgo.
History - Ancient Egyptians
RSHE - Money Matters
Art - Seascapes
RE - Muhammad, Mosques and Prayer
Computing - online safety
PE - striking and fielding skills; health related fitness
French - in the classroom
Music - enjoying imagination
Maths - Measurements focus
Our English texts will include fiction and non-fiction texts which we will use to explore genre, punctuation, sentence and text structure.
In whole class reading lessons we will study the text I Believe In Unicorns by Michael Morpurgo.
Geography - The Mediterranean
Science - Living things and their habitats
RSHE - It's my body
DT - food - tapas linked to the Med
RE - Christianity - Miraculous escapes and Easter
Computing - audio editing
PE - dance; net wall skills
French - musical instruments
Music - compose using your imagination
Maths - Fractions focus
Our English texts will include fiction and non-fiction texts which we will use to explore genre, punctuation, sentence and text structure.
In whole class reading lessons we will study the text The Case of the London Dragonfish by Joan Lennon
History - Ancient Greece
Science - Sound
Art - Clay forms
RE - Judaism - Jewish celebrations and family life
Computing - databases
PE - swimming; net wall skills
French - vegetables
Music - reggae - Three little birds
Maths - Calculations and fractions focus
Our English texts will include fiction and non-fiction texts which we will use to explore genre, punctuation, sentence and text structure.
In whole class reading lessons we will study the text The Case of the London Dragonfish by Joan Lennon
Geography - The UK, counties, mapping skills
Science - States of matter
RSHE - Our world
DT - Make a decoration
RE - Hinduism - Hindu family festivals; Christianity - Christmas
Computing - photo editing
PE - invasion games; dance
French - musical instruments
Music - enjoying improvisation
Maths - Calculations focus
Our English texts will include fiction texts which we will use to explore genre, punctuation, sentence and text structure.
In whole class reading lessons we will study the text James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl.
History - chronology of first trains and railways; growth of railways in Britain
Science - Teeth and digestion
RSHE - Be Yourself
Art - Landscapes
RE - Christianity - Investigating Jesus
Computing - Online safety
PE - Outdoor and adventurous activities; gymnastics
French - Shapes
Maths - Number and place value focus
Our English texts will include fiction texts which we will use to explore genre, punctuation, sentence and text structure.
In whole class reading lessons we will study the text James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl.
James and the Giant Peach.pdf - Google Drive
Reading skills will be further developed, including fluency, literal retrieval skills and inferential skills. Encouraging your child to read at home, and to enjoy sharing stories will help to develop a lifelong love of reading - whether it is a school book, magazine, graphic novel, online news or anything else that is age appropriate! Enjoy!
In writing, we will focus on developing sentence structure using Rainbow Grammar, and enhancing vocabulary including through dictionary skills. We will continue learning Year 3 and Year 4 Read Write Inc. spellings this half term. Children will have 10 spellings to learn linked to the weekly spelling theme.
In maths, formal calculation will be the focus, ensuring children work towards fluency in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Mental fluency is the key to independence and confidence in maths, so children will practice counting forwards and backwards, revisit number bonds, mentally add and subtract, and accurately and quickly recall times tables. Times Tables Rock Stars homework will be set to support the learning of times tables and there are a number of other websites and apps that are free that can be used at home to support learning such as Hit the Button, Topmarks and URBrainy website.
It's going to be a fabulous half term!
Many thanks, Mrs Wass