Cultural Capital
Hawkeye Falconry visit with birds of prey
Drama workshop - Neil Armstrong and the moon landings
EYFS Forest School
Class collective worships
Exotic fruit tasting and smoothie making
Choir performance at Laxton Light Switch On
A range of free clubs including Eco club, Choir, Construction, Sports, Coding, STEM club.
Inter-school competitive sports events
Character Education
Learning Warrior
Roles and responsibilities
Plan and write Harvest Festival
Plan and present class collective worships
Choir performing in public for the community
Developing own class rules - responsibility, sense of fairness and justice
100 square reward system
EDI Ambassadors
Inter-school competitive sports events
Children as leaders - School Council, Worship Leaders, House Captains
British Values
Develop class rules
Class job roles and responsibility
Pupil voice
Councils - school, eco, sports, Collective worship, well-being councils
Picture News
Good Book weekly worship
Preparation for Adult Life
Collective worship - resilience and endeavour
Growth mindset
Learning Pit
Co-operation opportunities
Plan and present collective worships
Picture News
Public speaking in class, plays, collective worship and in church
Whole school events including Harvest service and Christmas nativity performance
Choir public performance
Forest School
Inter-school competitive sports events