Dear Class 2 Parents
Welcome to Class 2! We are looking forward to a fantastic year with your children. We are very lucky that Mrs Duncan and Mrs Chase support us throughout week.
A few things to note:
- Please send your child to school with a named water bottle each day.
- PE lessons are every Monday and Friday.
- Children in Class 2 may bring a pencil case to school if they wish. Children are able to access everything they need in school.
- Please do label all of your child's clothing with their name, especially PE kit and jumpers!
Homework will include:
- Spellings which will be tested each Monday (these are linked to class learning)
- Learning times tables including Times Tables Rock Stars games
- Reading (when an adult has listened to your child read, please record this in their reading diary - we aim for at least 5 home reads with an adult per week)
- One half term project that will vary each half term. A project may include a focus on researching a current topic, creativity or wellbeing, as examples. Please see the homework page for more information.
It's going to be a fabulous term!
Many thanks, Mrs Wass and Mrs Hearson