
Kneesall C of E

Primary School

Together We Achieve

KOOSC Wraparound Care provider

Kneesall Out of School Club (KOOSC) Booking System

KOOSC Online Booking System - Cheqdin

Below is a registration link to register your child/ren on KOOSC’s new online booking system Cheqdin. Please follow this link and complete all the information thoroughly and accurately. Please ensure you read the Terms and Conditions before signing so you are aware of how the new system will work and what is expected.


IMPORTANT: If you have more than one child that you need to register, please ensure that at this stage you only register one child using the link. Once you set up an account you can add siblings onto your account. There are instructions for this attached.


You may only use KOOSC occasionally, even only once a year, but without registering on the new system your child will not be able to attend at all. Therefore it is strongly recommended that you register for those “What If” situations. It is free to do and does not take long.


The link is now live and the first deadline for registering is 1st December 2023. From 15th December we will publish the bookings link and you will need to log on and book your required sessions for January and beyond. If you have not registered by 1st December, the registration link will close until the new year and then will reopen again for people to register at a later date. This gives our staff time to check and authorise all of the registrations that have been sent in to allow those parents to book the sessions they need for January.


Some important points regarding the new booking system and process and what you can now expect are:


Ø  We will only be able to accept bookings on this system. Phone calls to school, emails or in person contact with staff WILL NOT result in a booking.

Ø  Our service works on a legal carer to child ratio that follows current Ofsted guidelines. Therefore places are limited. We strongly recommend continuing to block book in advance to avoid disappointment. The system is live so will show available sessions and how many spaces are left.

Ø  Payment for your booking must be received within 48 hours of the booking being made. The system will automatically cancel any booking where payment has not been received. The same options for payment remain; bank transfer, childcare vouchers and Tax Free government scheme. Payment for last minute bookings is due on the day of booking/session.

Ø  When you have made a booking, please ensure you have received your confirmation email so you know the booking has been finalised.

Ø  Please do not bring your child/ren to Breakfast/Holiday Club or leave them at After School Club without having booked through the system. If their name is not on the booking register for that session, they will not be admitted and school will contact parents to collect them.

Ø  The above also applies if you have tried to book but the system did not allow you to - this will be because the session is full and we cannot accept any more children due to ratio limitations.

Ø  All bookings made are final and cannot be amended or cancelled. No refunds or credits will be given for non-attendees, no matter the reason for absence.

Ø  All parents will be responsible for booking in their child’s sessions. This applies even if currently you are booked in automatically on the same sessions every week/term.

Ø  For parents who currently receive invoices for employers etc, the system will automatically email you an invoice when you make your booking.

Ø  It is important that everyone is up to date with payments before this new system is launched so please ensure that you are fully paid up for this half term before the Christmas break.

Ø  Please be aware that the club staff are not in control of the implementation or administration of the new system. If you have any questions regarding the system please message directly from your Cheqdin account on the “Notebook Messenger” section or if you are having any issues doing that please email


One further point is that we have taken the decision to remove the two tiered fee system. From January 2024 there will only be one fee for each session. We have chosen to keep the fees at the lower rate of the block booking discounted rate. We hope this will help families in these financially uncertain times.


For clarification, the fees from January 2024 are:

  • Breakfast Club - £5.30
  • After School Club Monday to Thursday - £8.50
  • Friday Short After School Club - £5.30
  • Friday Long After School Club - £14.00


Due to limited spaces and high demand, we would strongly suggest booking for the month/half term/term in advance as most people currently do in order to avoid missing spaces and being left without childcare.


Attached are How To guides you might find useful to get started. Once you have set up an account there is a Parents Help Centre that contains lots of How To articles to help you navigate around the system.


If you have any issues please contact us via the Notebook Messenger function or on for help.


Kind Regards,

KOOSC Committee


Registration link for you to follow: 

Kneesall Out of School Club


Monday – Thursday

  • Breakfast Club:  7.30am – 8.45am  /  After School Club: 3.30pm – 5.30pm



  • Breakfast Club:  7.30am – 8.45am  /  After School Club: 2.15pm – 3.30pm  OR  2.15pm – 5.30pm

Summer Holiday Club 2024
