Welcome to the Spring term Class 1
Art | Collage - Matisse |
Computing | Data & Information handling |
History | Significant People - Nurses |
Music | Your Imagination |
English | Instructions and Persuasion |
Suggested text | Paddington |
Memorable experience | Trip - TBC |
Science | Uses of Everyday Materials |
Religious Education | Cream to Shabbat |
Read Write Inc - Phonics and Spelling
At Kneesall School we use the Read Write Inc. scheme for Phonics and Spelling. It is a very popular and successful literacy programme. Your child will learn to read in a very simple way. He or she will learn to:
1. Read letters by their ‘sounds’
2. Blend these sounds into words
3. Read the words in a story.
The sounds are split into 3 sets and children read books that contain sounds that they have already learnt to enable them to build their confidence and therefore read more fluently. Fluency in reading is very important as it allows the children to focus on understanding what they are reading rather than having to focus on decoding to read.
First, your child will learn to read:
• Set 1 Speed Sounds: these are sounds written with one letter: m a s d t i n p g o c k u b f e l h r j v y w z x and sounds written with two letters (your child will call these ‘special friends’): sh th ch qu ng nk ck
• Words containing these sounds, by sound-blending, e.g. m–a–t mat, c–a–t cat, g–o–t got, f–i–sh fish, s–p–o–t spot, b–e–s–t best, s–p–l–a–sh splash
• Red, Green and Purple Storybooks.
Second, he or she will learn to read:
• Set 2 Speed Sounds: ay ee igh ow oo oo ar or air ir ou oy
• Words containing these sounds
• Pink, Orange and Yellow Storybooks.
Third, he or she will learn to read:
• Set 3 Speed Sounds: ea oi a-e i-e o-e u-e aw are ur er ow ai oa ew ire ear ure
• Words containing these sounds
• Blue and Grey Storybooks.
Children will learn an associated phrase for each of the set 2 and 3 Speed Sounds to help to remember them. (Please see attached document below).
Each daily RWI lesson consists of a Speed Sound lesson, a chance to practise reading words from their current book, an independent read of the current book and a writing activity based on the book.
One book last for three days over which children also learn about grammar and do comprehension activities linked to the book.
The Oxford Owl website has loads of really useful resources to help you support your child:
In Year 2, as the children come to the end of the Phonics scheme, they start the Spelling scheme. This looks more closely at spelling, for example different ways of spelling the same sound.
Maths in Key Stage One
In Maths we teach the different areas in blocks. These blocks are:
Year 1
We are looking forward to lots of exciting learning with you all!
Mrs Winter and Mrs Chase