Children at Kneesall C of E Primary study Religious Education and Worldviews to develop their knowledge and understanding of religion, beliefs and religious practices across cultures and the wider world. Children are provided with opportunities to understand the ideas and beliefs of a diversity of religions and non-religious Worldviews. Religious Education provides pupils with opportunities to: ask questions, develop questions by comparing and analysing a range of ideas and viewpoints, and to use empathy and reflection to evaluate their learning. Through discussions and activities, children will be given opportunities to develop and use subject specific vocabulary linked to the main approaches to the study of religions. The Religious Education curriculum promotes questioning, discussion, critical thinking skills, reading and evaluative skills.
Our aims are:
To promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
To develop knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other major world religions and value systems found in Britain
To develop an understanding of what it means to be committed to a religious tradition
To be able to reflect on their own experiences and to develop a personal response to the fundamental questions of life
To develop an understanding of religious traditions and to appreciate the cultural differences in Britain today
To develop investigative and research skills and to enable them to make reasoned judgements about religious issues
To have respect for other peoples’ views and to celebrate the diversity in society